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transit accessible hiking areas near Los Angeles
Baldwin Hills - Hahn Recreation Area
⁌ trailhead is at the bus stop ⁍
How to get there
Water and toilet are at the bus stop in Houston park on the east side of La Brea and in Hahn park .7 mile north of the trailhead. The Link shuttle is available weekends and holidays.
Trail guides
Baldwin Hills - Scenic Overlook
⁌ 10-15 minute walk to trail ⁍
How to get there
Take transit to Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook. From La Cienega Bl/Jefferson Bl walk .2 mi south on La Cienega, turn right at Obama and walk .5 mi west to the trailhead. Or from La Cienega Bl/Obama Bl walk .5 mi west on Obama to the trailhead.
Water, toilet and food are at La Cienega/Obama (Target). Water and toilet are at the visitor center at the top of the overlook. The Link shuttle is available weekends and holidays.
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