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transit accessible hiking areas near Los Angeles
get a transit app
for transit directions and arrival times.
Transit, Moovit and Citymapper are popular. Google maps and Apple maps do the job too. Pantograph works when the others fail.
get a TAP card
for easy fare payments on most LA area transit systems [TAP info]
get a trail map
a paper map and compass, or a GPS app that works without phone service, like these:
Organic Maps - free offline map, route planning and track recording. no account required
AllTrails - trail guides, route planning and track recording. subscription required for offline use
CalTopo - route planning and track recording. subscription required for offline use
Gaia GPS - route planning and track recording. subscription required for offline use
Avenza - free offline maps and track recording.
get knowledge
How to Ride Transit in Los Angeles is an excellent primer
Hiking Guy has soooo much excellent info for hikers
The socalhiking subreddit is a great resource for local hiking info
What to Bring on a Day Hike: water, snack, sun protection, etc
Hiking 101: the basics of mileage, elevation and routes
Poison Oak: “leaves of three, let it be”
How dangerous are Bears? Snakes? Lions? (not as scary as you thought!)
get connected
find transit-riding hiker groups at Reddit and Facebook
get a tent, maybe
and go camping at one of these transit-accessible campgrounds
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